Daycare FAQs
- What are the benefits of Collars Dog Resort?
- Daycare is an important activity and can benefit your dog in many ways. It is a safe environment where your dog can exercise, socialize with other dogs, and gain confidence.
- Do I need a reservation for Collars Dog Resort daycare?
- We highly recommend making a reservation, it is the only way to 100% reserve your spot. However, you are more than welcome to walk in without a reservation and see if we have any availability. If you decide to drop-off without a reservation, please make sure we have up-to-date vaccination records on file.
- I don't see my dog on camera, why is that?
- We take great pride in offering a safe environment for all the dogs in the Collars Dog Resort family. Each dog is temperament tested before playing in daycare, but that doesn't guarantee disagreements or scuffles won't happen occasionally. Our staff are trained to read dog body language in order to safely manage our dayplay areas. Our staff may see a dog getting a little over-stimulated and determine they may need a short break. After the short break they return back to daycare to have more fun!
- How do I access the cameras to watch my dog at Collars Dog Resort daycare?
- Click the "Webcams" button or click "Make Your Reservation" on our website, then sign in to your customer profile. If you are on a mobile device, select the menu button (the 3 horizontal lines/hamburger menu), look for photo/video, select live webcams and pick which webcam you would like to view! Cameras are only available while your pup is checked in for daycare.
- Does my dog need to be spayed/neutered to participate in Collars Dog Resort Daycare?
- For the safety of all the dogs in the Collars Dog Resort Family, we do not allow dogs that are not spayed or neutered to play in daycare. However, our Waldo, KC location offers a daystay option where your dog can be loved on and pampered throughout the day.
- Are there vaccinations required for my dog to play at the Collars Dog Resort?
- We require rabies, DHPP, and bordetella (frequency per Veterinary requirement) for all services. We also accept titer testing if done by a licensed veterinarian.
- I am not able to drop-off and pickup during your normal business hours, what options do you have?
- Not a problem at all! Collars Dog Resort offers late pickup and early drop off for your convenience. Give us a call and we can give you more information on our 24/7 pickup and drop-off service.
Boarding FAQs
- What if my dog doesn't pass their temperament test?
- If your dog doesn’t pass their temperament test we cannot accommodate them for boarding. However, our Waldo location has the space and ability to board dogs that cannot be in daycare! Ask our lobby staff for more information on how to schedule at our Waldo location.
- Does my dog get to play during the day?
- Absolutely! All boarding dogs will be in daycare with the rest of the pack after passing our temperament test. This is included in your boarding price, so there is no additional cost to you.
- What vaccinations are required for my dog to go to Collars Dog Resort?
- We require rabies, DHPP and bordetella (frequency per Veterinary requirement) for all services. We also accept titer testing if done by a licensed veterinarian.
- What belongings should I bring for my dog?
- Bring your pups food and any medications. If you would like to bring a favorite toy, you are more than welcome, but we do not recommend bringing too many bedding items. If you have any questions, please ask our staff!
- I need to drop off my dog before you open, can I do that?
- You sure can, give us a call to learn more about our 24/7 pick-up and drop-off services.
- Does Collars Dog Resort have food my dog can eat?
- Yes, we offer Fromm as our house food if you are not able to bring your own. It is strongly recommended to bring the food your dog is accustomed to because changing your dog's diet suddenly can upset their stomach. However, we are happy to use our house food if you would like. If you choose to have us feed your dog(s) with our house food, there will be an additional charge per day per dog. Please visit the Pricing and Memberships page for the per day per dog rate. Our house food contains chicken.
Training FAQs
- How do I know what training option is best for me and my dog?
- If you are not sure which training option is right for you, don't worry! You can reach out to head trainer Jessica Belcher and set up a free evaluation. Contact us today!
- What vaccinations are required for Collars Dog Resort training?
- We require rabies, DHPP, and bordetella (frequency per Veterinary requirement) for all services. We also accept titer testing if done by a licensed veterinarian. These requirements are for training classes and Collars Dog Resort daycare.
- What class should I start with?
- Petiquette Bronze is a great starting point for dogs with no training or dogs who need a refresher. We do offer evaluations to determine if your dog should be placed in more advanced class.
- How many people are allowed to come to class with me?
- Anyone that will assist in the handling of your dog is welcome in class. All attendees must be at least 10 years of age.
- What if class lands on a holiday?
- Classes will not be held during the week of holidays.
- What is Balanced Training?
- Balanced training, in its simplest form, is training that utilizes a mix of aversive consequence and reward-based techniques. Dogs are shown how to preform tasks using food and then guided once they have learned the task.