Frequently Asked Questions

Collars Dog Resort Olathe

If you don’t find what you are looking for, give us a call!

Daycare FAQs

What are the benefits of Collars Dog Resort?
Do I need a reservation for Collars Dog Resort daycare?
I don't see my dog on camera, why is that?
How do I access the cameras to watch my dog at Collars Dog Resort daycare?
Does my dog need to be spayed/neutered to participate in Collars Dog Resort Daycare?
Are there vaccinations required for my dog to play at the Collars Dog Resort?
I am not able to drop-off and pickup during your normal business hours, what options do you have?

Boarding FAQs

What if my dog doesn't pass their temperament test? 
Does my dog get to play during the day?
What vaccinations are required for my dog to go to Collars Dog Resort?
What belongings should I bring for my dog?
I need to drop off my dog before you open, can I do that?
Does Collars Dog Resort have food my dog can eat?

Training FAQs

How do I know what training option is best for me and my dog?
What vaccinations are required for Collars Dog Resort training?
What class should I start with?
How many people are allowed to come to class with me?
What if class lands on a holiday?
What is Balanced Training?